Laboratory Consulting Services

When getting a new instrument or moving into a new lab one of the big questions is “What does my lab need in order for my instrument to be installed properly?”

We understand that there are a lot of demands placed on your time so to let you focus on your job we offer general lab contracting services. You can push the task of coordinating all the pieces it takes to properly install your instrument onto us. We will figure out the sometimes difficult to understand requirements for a mass spec installation or its accessories.

What are the instrument's power requirements?

Different instruments have different power requirements. It’s important to make sure your power meets the instrument’s specifications or there is the potential for damaging the instrument.

In certain areas it is not uncommon for the incoming power to be unstable. 

This instability can also damage your instrument. Therefore, its a good idea to install a UPS/ power conditioning unit to maintain the stability of the power. This will protect your instrument from short, intermittent power sags or spikes as well as temporary power outages. 

What gases do I need and how much? Would it be better to go with compressed cylinders, dewars or a nitrogen generator? What pressures do I need? 

We can help you figure out all of this and calculate the consumption rates of your instruments to determine the most cost effective route to take when it comes to purchasing gases. 


How loud is it in your lab?

If your lab is one that has a plastic dispenser of earplugs right outside the door, chances are it is uncomfortably loud. Rough pumps attached to mass spectrometers are typically the loudest pieces of equipment found in the laboratory.  With a lab that has multiple mass specs noise pollution can rise to dangerously high levels and quiet covers can become a necessity rather than a luxury. These quiet covers can dampen the noise to safe and comfortable levels for lab analysts without the risk of hearing damage.

What are my Lab Bench and Space Requirements? 

Although mass spectrometers are getting smaller and smaller they are still very heavy instruments. Benchtop models can still be greater than 300lbs and over 4ft long and 6ft high. For these, having the right table is key to successfully installing your instrument.  It must fit in the space you have dedicated, meet the needs of the instrument and also account for any obstacles in the lab that may be in the way of a proper installation.

We can consult with you on all of this and more. You can also purchase equipment directly from InTech or we can obtain equipment that can’t be purchased directly from us.  Contact us for more information about your specific needs.